Ambientazione Quadro in bianco e nero della vista sulla Cattedrale di Torino, che esalta bellezza e dettaglio architettonico.


The 'Opere' collection by Matteo Pericoli is an invitation to see the city with new eyes.

🏙️🖌️ Through his mastery of drawing, Pericoli transforms urban panoramas into visual narratives, where each line and shadow tells a unique story of life, architecture and space.

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Ambientazione Quadro Incisione in bianco e nero della Mole Antonelliana con gatto, che unisce arte e architettura in un design raffinato.

From aerial views to intimate street details, these works offer a profound and contemplative perspective on the metropolises we inhabit and love. Discover 'Works' by Matteo Pericoli, where art becomes a bridge between the individual and the urban immensity, inviting us to reflect on our relationship with the spaces that surround us.